" LangLing "

English Language, Jokes, Facts, Etymology, Translation, etc

" LangLing "

English Language, Jokes, Facts, Etymology, Translation, etc

English Idioms

up a gum tree

Meaning: If you're up a gum tree, you're in trouble or have a serious problem. 

just the ticket

Meaning: You can say something is just the ticket if it's the perfect thing or if it's exactly what's needed.

pay through the nose

Meaning: If you pay through the nose for something, you pay more than the usual price for it.

feather your own nest

Meaning: If you feather your own nest, you use your position or your job illegally for personal gain.

the new kid on the block

Meaning: If you are the new kid on the block, you are the newest person in a workplace or in an educational institute, or any other place or organization.

on the one hand | on the other hand

Meaning: You can say "on the one hand" before describing one of two contrasting ideas, options, or opinions, and then say "on the other hand" before describing the other one.

easy as pie | easy as abc

Meaning: If something's as easy as pie, or easy as abc, it's very easy.

bark up the wrong tree

Meaning: If you're barking up the wrong tree, you're looking for something in the wrong place or going about something in the wrong way.

pay the price

Meaning: You pay the price for doing something when you experience the unpleasant results of doing it.

up a gum tree

Meaning: If you're up a gum tree, you're in trouble or have a serious problem. 

a wolf in sheep's clothing

Meaning: A wolf in sheep's clothing is someone who seems to be a good person but is really a bad person.

can't see the forest for the trees

Meaning: If you can't see the forest for the trees, you can't see the whole situation clearly because you're looking too closely at small details, or because you're too closely involved.

hot under the collar

Meaning: If you are hot under the collar, you feel angry or annoyed about something.

a means to an end

Meaning: You can say something is a means to an end if it's the way to reach a goal, or the way to achieve something.

make ends meet

Meaning: If you make ends meet, you earn just enough to pay for a place to live and your daily expenses.


Meaning: If someone is yellow-bellied, they are not brave, or they are cowardly.

go over your head

Meaning: If someone goes over your head, they go to someone with more authority than you in order to get something that you would normally grant, possibly because they think you won't give it to them.

sick as a dog

Meaning: If you're as sick as a dog, you're very sick.

the gift of the gab | the gift of gab

Meaning: If you've got the gift of the gab, or the gift of gab, you have the natural ability to talk in a way that people find entertaining or persuasive.

young at heart

Meaning: Someone is young at heart if they still feel young even though they're getting old.

make ends meet

Meaning: If you make ends meet, you earn just enough to pay for a place to live and your daily expenses.

paint the town red

Meaning: If you paint the town red, you visit bars, nightclubs and other nightspots to have a good time.

put the brakes on

Meaning: If you put the brakes on something, you stop it or slow it down.

a drop in the bucket

Meaning: If an amount is a drop in the bucket, it's a very small portion of the amount that's needed.

do someone's dirty work

Meaning: If you do someone's dirty work for them, you do something unpleasant for them because they don't want to do it for themselves.

keep it under your hat

Meaning: If someone tells you a secret and you keep it under your hat, you don't tell anyone.

nip it in the bud

Meaning: If you nip something in the bud, you stop a problem from becoming serious by dealing with it as soon as you notice it. 

damned if you do and damned if you don't

Meaning: If you say "damned if you do and damned if you don't" you're saying that no matter what someone does, they'll be criticised for it.

jump out of your skin

Meaning: You jump out of your skin when something suddenly shocks you and your whole body jumps.

آموزش زبان انگلیسی

در فارسى وقتى میخوایم در رابطه با کسى که مُرده با احترام صحبت کنیم میگیم: ایشون فوت کردن یا میگیم ایشون از بین ما رفت. 
خوب در انگلیسى هم اصطلاحات مشابهى وجود داره. 
فرض کنید دوست شما در یک حادثه بوده و اون رو به بیمارستان میرسونن بعد میرید پیش دکتر و ارش حال دوستتون رو میپرسید. دکتر با ناراحتى جواب میده:

He didn't make it. 


He passes away. 

که هر دو به معنى این هستن که ایشون فوت کردن.

با یک اصطلاح دریایى آشنا میشیم!

The world is your oyster!

خوب حتما میدونید oyster به معنى صدف در اینگلیسیه اما این جمله هیچ ربطى به خوراکى هاى دریایى نداره. 
این جمله یعنى تو هر کارى که بخواى میتونى انجام بدى.

You can do anything you want to do. 

امیدوارم همیشه به این اصطلاح اعتقاد داشته باشید!


در زبان انگلیسى احترام گذاشتن به دیگران نکته ایه که باید در صحبت کردن مورد توجه قرار بگیره. 
براى مثال اگر درباره کسى صحبت میکنیم که معلولیت ذهنى یا جسمى داره میگیم:

He is mentally challenged 


She is physically challenged

دقت کنید که challenge در لغت به معنى درگیرى و مشکله.


Be polite!

Little boys room or ladies room

Suppose you are in a restaurant and you want to go to the bathroom (wc) and you don't want to use the word washroom or bathroom or toilet because you think it's inappropriate.

If you are a boy you could ask where is the little boys room? and if you're a woman you could say where is the ladies room?


Shit talk!
When something is shitty it is very bad and unpleasant. 
You could also use crappy or bad as synonyms. 
For example;
The television I bought there was so shitty that I will never shop there again.
I'm feeling shitty today; I don't want to go out.


What makes you angry? 
Do you know what cracking is?
It is bending of the fingers and other joints in the body until you hear a cracking sound coming from them. 
This is one of the things that make me really angry.
So I can say "cracking gets to me", it means that it makes me angry. 
Please note that we are using phrasal verbs which may have a completely different meaning than the verb itself.
Now it's your turn. What is something that gets to you?

از ریشه نام ایران آگاه شوید

واژهٔ ایران در پارسی باستان «آئیریانا» و در پارسی میانه به شکل «اِران» بوده، و به معنای «سرزمین مردمان نژاده و نجیب » است. کردها هنوز ایران را با همان نام کهن «اِران» تلفظ می کنند.

واژهٔ «آریا» در زبان‌های اوستایی، پارسی باستان و سنسکریت به ترتیب به شکل‌های «اَیریَه» ، «آریَه» و «آریه» به کار رفته‌است. همچنین در زبان سانسکریت «اَریَه» به معنی سَروَر و مهتر و «آریاکَه» به معنی مَردِ شایستهٔ بزرگداشت است و آریایی به‌ زبان اوستایی «اَئیریان» و به زبان پهلوی و پارسی دری «ایر» خوانده می‌شود . ایر یعنی «نجیب» و جمع آن «ایران»به معنی «نجیبان» است. این واژه در اوستا به گونه« ایران ویج » نیز آمده است

نام ایران به معنی «سرزمین نجیبان» است و مدت‌ها پیش از اسلام نیز نام بومی آن نیز ایران، اِران، یا ایرانشهر بود.
از ۶۰۰ سال پیش از میلاد تا ۱۳۱۴ (۱۹۳۵) در میان اروپاییان با نام «پرشیا» که همان «پارس » در دوره هخامنشی است شناخته می‌شد که در سال ۱۳۱۴ در شرف تأسیس لیگ ملل با درخواست رسمی رضاشاه پهلوی همان نام بومی کشور(ایران) نامیدند.

How to say hello in 12 countries around the world

Knowing how to greet someone when visiting another country can help you avoid an awkward encounter. 

From bowing in Japan to kissing on the cheek three times in the Ukraine, here is how you say hello in 12 countries around the world.


France: Kiss on each cheek

The common greeting in France is kissing on the cheek. Typically, it will be two kisses but the number of kisses can vary depending on the region.  As a common starting point, offer your right cheek and let the other person lead.


Japan: A bow 

In Japan, the preferred way to greet someone you're meeting is to bow to one another.


Argentina: Kiss on the right cheek

In Argentina, lightly press your cheek against the right cheek of another for a light kiss. 


The Philippines: Mano

When greeting elders, take their hand and press their knuckles against your forehead as a sign of respect.


Russia: A firm handshake

In Russia, a firm handshake is the standard way for men to greet one another in public.


Tibet: Sticking your tongue out

This tradition dates back to the 9th century and references the Tibetan king Lang Darma, who was known for his evil ways and had a black tongue. People still greet each other this way today.


India: Namaste 

This greeting is carried out by placing your hands together in a praying position with your fingers pointed upwards and bowing slightly when you say "Namaste." 


Ukraine: A triple kiss

Don’t pull back after a kiss on each cheek in Ukraine. Here, the custom is to kiss cheeks three times — left, right, left— to say hello.


Thailand: Wai 

Place your palms together at your chest and bow your head so that your thumbs touch your chin and your fingertips touch your forehead.


Greenland: Kunik

This one is a greeting typically done with those you’re close with. To perform it, place your nose and upper lip against the cheek or forehead of the other person and take a breath.


Botswana: An elaborate handshake

To say hello in Botswana, extend your right hand and take the other person’s hand in a typical handshake position.  Next, grip the other person's hand so that your thumbs interlock and raise your right arm up. Finally, return to the handshaking position for one more shake.

When breaking the handshake, you will do the handshake again, click the thumbs together and sometimes bring your arm to your heart as a sign of connection. 


New Zealand: Hongi (touching noses)

Known as hongi, this traditional Māori greeting in New Zealand is done by pressing your nose and forehead to another person's at the same time. 


Phrasal Verbs

break up

Meaning: If you break up with your boyfriend or girlfriend, you end your relationship with him or her.

go over

Meaning: to review something, or look at it again, in order to learn or memorize it

take on

Meaning: to give someone a job

get in

Meaning: to enter a place or a vehicle

calm down

Meaning: If a person who is excited or agitated calms down, they become calmer and less excited or agitated.

get away with

Meaning: to do something illegal or immoral and not get caught or punished

fuss over

Meaning: to give someone lots of attention to show how much you like them or how important you think they are

come to

Meaning: to regain consciousness after an accident or an operation 

call off

Meaning: to cancel an event that was planned or scheduled

roll out

Meaning: to introduce a new line of products or services

go for

Meaning: to like a particular type of person, product, style, experience, etc.

ask after

Meaning: If you ask after someone, you ask about them when you talk to someone who's seen them recently.

act as

Meaning: to perform the same function as a particular person or thing

get at (1)

Meaning: to mean or to imply something

get up (2)

Meaning: to stand up or to get to one's feet 

knock around

Meaning: to hit or kick somebody repeatedly

send back

Meaning: If you send back something that's been delivered to you, you return it because there's a problem with it.

keep on

Meaning: If you keep on doing something, you continue doing it.

extricate from

Meaning: to get someone out of a difficult situation or a dangerous place

close down

Meaning: If a business closes down, or if someone closes it down, it stops operating.

buy up

Meaning: to buy all or a lot of something that is in limited supply

go together

Meaning: If two things go together, they look good together or they harmonize. 

take down

Meaning: to remove something that's fixed to a wall, like a picture or a poster 

put forward

Meaning: to change the date or time of an event, an appointment, a meeting, etc. so that it happens earlier than originally planned

point out

Meaning: to tell someone something you think they should know

put aside

Meaning: to save or reserve something, like time, money, food, etc., for a particular purpose, or for use in the future 

hold up

Meaning: to steal from someone while threatening them with a gun or a similar weapon

lay down

Meaning: to officially state something like a policy, or rules, regulations, conditions, guidelines, etc.